What all Spine Surgery Patients Should Know About the Patient Promise™

What all Spine Surgery Patients Should Know About the Patient Promise™

If you’re an elite spine surgeon collaborating with Marvel Group, you may already know about Marvel Group’s Surgical Stewardship™ program and the component of it known as the Patient Promise™.

It’s important that your patients know about this as well because they will be the direct beneficiaries of the rewards it offers. When your patients are aware of how it can benefit them, that will be one more reason to choose you as their primary spine surgeon.

In fact, one of the first things spine surgery patients should know about the Patient Promise™ is that your ability to offer it means you are part of an elite group of spine surgeons who have been chosen to participate in the Surgical Stewardship™ program. In order to become part of the program, you will have passed very stringent criteria and quality standards. Once you reach Surgical Stewardship™ designation, there is no doubt that you are at the very top of your field.

Benefits of the Patient Promise™

You’ve done everything possible to send your patient home with the highest quality spine surgery. You expect an excellent outcome. But sometimes complications arise that require a return to the operating room. The Patient Promise™ will help your patients cover out-of-pocket expenses if a return to the OR is needed, for any reason, within 365 days of the original procedure. Some examples include surgical site infection, hematoma, seroma, hardware failure, misplaced hardware, cage migration, and pseudoarthrosis requiring revision.

If follow-up surgery occurs, your patients would be entitled to file a claim and be reimbursed for an amount up to $5,000. For anyone already struggling with medical costs, this can be a huge boon, and may even be a reason to choose you over a competitor. In a highly competitive field, this could be one great way of distinguishing yourself from rivals. So, in a very real sense, the Patient Promise™ can also benefit you as a spine surgeon. 

How the Patient Promise™ works 

The process of being reimbursed for follow-up surgery will be easy for your patients. To file a claim, your patient will first need to review the terms and conditions for reimbursement. Then they’ll have to supply their full name and the date the original surgery occurred, as well as the date of the follow-up surgery. Assuming less than 365 days have elapsed, they’ll be able to proceed to the next step, which is to supply the name of the surgery center for both surgeries.

After that, they’ll need to provide the name of the surgeon for both procedures. Then it will be necessary to provide the name of their medical insurance carrier, the amount of the out-of-pocket expenses incurred, and some contact information like phone number and email address. In just a few short minutes, the information can be provided, and a claim can be submitted. Once this has been reviewed and approved, your patient will be compensated for the out-of-pocket expenses.

Are you one of the chosen few?

If you’re an outstanding private practice spine surgeon who would like to know if you qualify to join our Surgical Stewardship™ program and access our Patient Promise™ initiative, we invite you to contact us.

What all Spine Surgery Patients Should Know About the Patient Promise™
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