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Frequently Asked Questions

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How exactly does the Marvel Group Patient Promise program work?

The Patient Promise program is a Spine surgery business initiative with four main parts to improve patient care and benefit surgeons:

  1. Surgery Guarantee for Patients: Gives patients assurance about their surgery.
  2. Quality Assessment Registry: Helps surgeons and hospitals evaluate and improve clinical outcomes.
  3. Shared Cost Savings Program: Rewards surgeons financially for producing excellent surgery outcomes.
  4. Optional Community Education Platform: Allows surgeons to enhance their practice.

Hospitals join the program and team up with a chosen spine surgeon or surgery group. The program involves:

  • Assessing surgeons (underwriting) and sharing risks with an insurance partner.
  • Surgeons can receive savings for low claim rates.
  • A registry is set up to track and improve surgical results.
  • Patients in this registry get the surgery guarantee automatically when operated on at the participating facility. Benefits include:
  • The facility sees 4-8 more spine surgeries per month per surgeon.
  • Surgeons can bring existing surgeries to the facility or attract more ideal patients through the Community Education platform.
  • Monthly reports show the program’s success and patient outcomes.
  • Either the facility or surgeon can end the program with 30 days’ notice.

How does the Community Education Platform work?

We’re experts at marketing Spine Surgeons. Marvel Group provides a comprehensive marketing service for individual spine surgeons, aimed at increasing their patient visits. This service is fully managed by Marvel Group, requiring minimal effort from the surgeon’s clinic staff. It is funded by the surgeons who participate. Key Features of the Service:

  • Brand and Marketing Strategy: Development of a unique Brand Narrative and a one-year marketing plan for each surgeon.
  • Social Media Management: Weekly content creation and posting on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin.
  • Microsite and Video: Creation of a specialized microsite for the surgeon, featuring a 90-second professional video.
  • Local SEO and Print Materials: Ongoing search engine optimization for the microsite and design of print materials for referrals.
  • Online Reputation Management: Includes soliciting and responding to patient reviews, and sharing positive reviews on social media.
  • Listing Synchronization: Regular updates of over 50 online listings to align with the surgeon’s Google business profile.
  • Press Releases and Digital Ads: Annual press release creation and distribution, and a comprehensive digital advertising campaign across multiple channels.
  • Performance Tracking: Monthly reports tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and return on investment (ROI). The goal is to boost each participating surgeon’s clinic with approximately 30 new patient visits per month through these tailored marketing efforts.

How does the Quality Assessment Registry work?

Marvel Group’s Quality Assessment Registry collects patient feedback about their spine surgery and uses cloud-based software to give practical information to surgeons and hospitals to improve future outcomes.

Patients who join this registry get the Patient Promise guarantee. They answer easy questionnaires sent by text or email at specific times before and after surgery. These surveys are short and take about 3 minutes to complete.

Key points about the registry:

  • The registry serves as a searchable repository of spine surgery results, helping drive better outcomes.
  • Hosted on a top-tier healthcare data cloud platform with enterprise-level security.
  • Surveys are sent at intervals: 1 week before surgery, then at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, one year, and two years post-surgery.
  • Surveys include questions on physical function, pain, neck disability, and more.
  • Hospitals can add their surgery data to the registry.
  • Surgeons and hospitals get monthly reports on how well the treatments are working.

How does Shared Cost Savings work?

A third-party insurer covers patients with the Patient Promise guarantee. This setup aims to share risks between the insurer and the surgeon for better outcomes. The insurer sets up a special risk pool and account linked to the surgeon’s patient population, and a contract is executed with the insurer.

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