How the Patient Promise™ is Helping Patients Find the Right Spine Surgeon

How the Patient Promise™ is helping patients find the right spine surgeon.

At Marvel Group, we’re on a mission to help patients find the right spine surgeon…and spine surgeons to find the right patients. That is one of the main reasons we created the Patient Promise™ as part of our Surgical Stewardship™ program.

Patients understand that spine surgery is a serious thing and that their lives are literally in the hands of their spine surgeon during the procedure. That’s why most of them take the matter seriously and do their homework before choosing a surgeon to operate on them.

Since all patients want to believe they have the very best chance of emerging from surgery with the best possible outcome, they look for those spine surgeons who have a reputation for consistently achieving superior results for their patients. That’s where Marvel Group’s Patient Promise™ proves so valuable in connecting ideal patients with the right spine surgeon for them.

What is the Patient Promise? 

The Patient Promise™ is only offered by Marvel Group to spine surgeons who have an impeccable track record of successful spine surgeries. Only a select group of surgeons around the country are eligible to be included in the Surgical Stewardship™ Program, of which the Patient Promise™ is one component. That alone tells patients that they are in the hands of the most capable and successful spine surgeon in the area. 

The Patient Promise™ is a commitment on the part of Marvel Group to reimburse patients if follow-up surgery is necessary within one year of the original procedure. It pays up to $5,000 to the patient for any out-of-pocket expenses that are associated with the follow-up surgery. The financial relief coupled with the fact that being able to offer it means that you are a spine surgeon in the best-of-the-best category, should certainly carry considerable weight with any patient.

What patients love about the Patient Promise™ 

These are the things that patients love about the Patient Promise. More than just insulating them against runaway surgery expenses, it’s a clear sign that choosing a spine surgeon who is part of the Surgical Stewardship™ program means they can be sure that they’ll be in the hands of an elite surgeon.

If you’re an outstanding private practice spine surgeon who would like to know if you qualify to join our Surgical Stewardship™ program and access our Patient Promise™ initiative, we invite you to contact us.

How the Patient Promise™ is Helping Patients Find the Right Spine Surgeon
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